Région 17 – Ville-Marie
26 avril 2024
This is our yearly main fundraiser where each year we donate to a different cause. In 2023 we donated to the St Brendan Parish Food Bank.
We had over 150 players at the tournament and it total we raised 10.000$ for St Brendan Parish Food Bank.
Our Fundraiser is successful year after year due to the many sponsors who donate to our cause and to the countless hours for preparing the event by our fellow members in the Council 14693.
We will be back in 2024. Next event will take place on April 26, 2024.
The Fundraiser will again be for our very own St Brendan’s Food bank which helps over 200 families with groceries and utility bills in our community.
We added a 2nd foundation which will be the PKD foundation of Canada,
“The PKD Foundation of Canada is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting research, education, advocacy, and support for individuals and families affected by polycystic kidney disease (PKD) in Canada. PKD is a genetic disorder characterized by the growth of cysts in the kidneys, leading to kidney enlargement and often resulting in kidney failure. Through their multifaceted approach encompassing research, education, advocacy, and support, the PKD Foundation of Canada strives to improve the lives of individuals affected by PKD while working towards a future without this devastating disease.”
Le Conseil d’État du Québec est l’organisation mère de l’Ordre des Chevaliers de Colomb au Québec. Il a été constitué pour diriger ses membres et ses conseils qui sont tous des organismes catholiques sans but lucratif s’adressant aux hommes de tout âge désirant œuvrer par la charité dans un environnement fraternel et familial.
© 2021 – Les Chevaliers de Colomb – Le Conseil d’État du Québec est affilié au KOFC USA – Tous droits réservés.
Réalisation & Support technique : L’Agence Webexia – Certains crédits images : Pixabay – Conception graphique & administration principale : Sandra Laforest.
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